Candle Making Ministry
Threads of Comfort (Prayer Shawl Ministry)
Art & Environment Committee
Alpha Team
CHRP Leadership (Must have attended a CRHP Retreat first)
Evangelization Committee
Honduras Medical Mission Trip
Saint Vincent de Paul Society
Street Team
Alpha Team
Funeral Luncheon Ministry
CHRP Leadership (Must have attended a CRHP Retreat first)
Greeters at Mass
Prayer Line
CHRP Leadership (Must have attended a CRHP Reteat first)
Unbound Prayer leader or intercessor
Threads of Comfort (Prayer Shawl Ministry)
Sign up for the Vocations Cross for a Week
Other Prayer Groups
Alpha Team
Street Team
Called & Gifted Team (Must have completed Called & Gifted first)
CRHP Leadership (Must have attended a CRHP Retreat first)
Honduras Medical Mission Trip
Knights of Columbus
Parish Councils/Committees
Saint Vincent de Paul Society
Unbound Prayer leader or intercessor
Alpha Team
Street Team
Writers Group
Teach Family Family Formation
CRHP Leadership (Must have attended a CRHP Retreat first)
Disabilities Ministry
Sharing words to create truth and beauty that reflect human experiences and bring glory to God can be as complex as writing a novel or as short and sweet as sending a note of encouragement to a friend. No matter your style or method, writing is a charism from God, and if it’s one of yours, or even if it’s a strong desire you wish to explore, we want you to join us in a Writers’ Group at St. Vincent’s on the third Thursday of the month. Communication through the written word presents endless possibilities for discovering meaning, purpose and joy in our relationship with God and the Church. Through a safe and loving environment of friendship and trust, we can teach and learn from each other how best to accomplish our mission as intentional disciples.
Nick Gray: 373-1526
If you would like to participate in service activities to help St. Henry Parish in Fort Wayne (one of our "twinned" parishes), please contact Nick and his team. Activities include helping to gather truckloads of gently used items for their Thrift Shoppe at different times of the year, assisting them with sorting and selling items at the Thrift Shoppe, helping with their Community Garden project, and doing work in the neighborhoods.
Craig & Vicki Welch: [email protected]
Saint Vincent de Paul Parish collects gifts, household products, and donations for several Fort Wayne charitable organizations and families in need during Advent each year. Simply take a tag off the tree, purchase the item listed, and return it to the tree with the tag attached.
Patty Jackson: 471-5370
These compassionate people assist with serving at the Funeral Luncheon for the family members and friends of the deceased. Positions are also available to prepare desserts, make telephone calls for desserts, or as a Team Coordinator for one or two months per year. This is a Corporal Work of Mercy.
Saint Vincent de Paul Homebound Ministry takes the Holy Eucharist to the homebound and those in institutions (including nursing homes and hospitals). These volunteers are trained and commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.
Scott Kruse: (260) 627-6455; Juli Lapp (260) 705-5971
St. Vincent de Paul Parish assists other parishes both locally and internationally through our parish tithe. Additionally, the parish hosts an annual medical and dental mission trip to our sister parish in Honduras. We need help in planning, raising funds, and attending a mission trip.
The Knights of Columbus is a group open to all practicing (receiving the sacraments) Catholic men of the parish, 18 years of age or older. Services that the Knights perform include Red Cross Blood Drives, Free Throw Contest for youth, Old St.Vincent Cemetery Clean-Up, Pro-Life Community Service, Traffic Direction, Parish improvements & Maintenance, and more!
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a volunteer Catholic lay organization comprised of 850,000 members in 131 countries, who visit poor and needy people in their homes. They provide comfort and financial assistance to those they visit.
Anyone who is willing to lend a hand is welcome to join the Society. Even a few hours of your time are very precious to the needy and the distressed. You can be an apostle right in your own parish. Read More about the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
The St. Vincent's Chapter (Conference) of St. Vincent de Paul Society assists the needy in our parish boundaries regardless of religious affiliation. Members respond with home visits to those who call for help with food, household items, or clothing, and work with the Township Trustee in assisting with rent, utility payments, prescriptions, medical bills, etc. They also assist transients who may need lodging or food on an emergency basis.
Special projects include hosting entertainment and refreshments at Byron Health Center, Christmas help for families, the monthly Poor Box collection, maintaining the Food Pantry, home repairs for elderly or shut-ins (Carpenter's Sons), funeral visitation and prayers for parishioners who pass away, jail ministry, monthly BINGO at Kingston Nursing Home, assisting at the St. Vincent de Paul Store and with the St. Vincent de Paul Society Care-Van which provides rides to doctor appointments, transportation to and from church for parishioners needing help and the Minnie Vinnies which involves students from St. Vincent de Paul School.
Donations may be dropped off at the SVDP Society box near the west entrance of the church. The group meets on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Spiritual Center Chapel.
Contact our chapter of the St. Vincent de Paul Society at 260-489-3537 ext. 4610.
Street Team is a group of parishioners who are taking the Gospel outside the perimeter of our parish grounds.
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This committee strategies and plans for efforts in outreach and evangelization. The central question that this committee seeks to address is "How are we communicating the Gospel inside our parish and out forth from our parish, in order to invite each person into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?"
Contact: Michael Dopp, [email protected]
The Finance Council advises the pastor on matters pertaining to the parish finances. One of its responsibilities is the approval of parish and school budgets.
The Parish Pastoral Council advises the pastor on pastoral issues and is responsible for parish planning. Members are chosen as representatives of various ministries in the parish as well as “at-large” members. The Council meets monthly in the Church Conference Room.
The St. Vincent Respect Life Committee oversees the pro-life (from conception to natural death) programs and activities of the parish. It provides support to the diocesan pro-life program as well as the Allen County Chapter of Pro-Life.
The Stewardship Committee promotes Christian Stewardship in our parish by fostering opportunities to contribute time, talent, and treasure to the work of Christ and His Church. This is a standing committee of the Pastoral Council.
Jessica Hayes: [email protected], 260-489-3537 x224
Altar Servers: Serving at Mass is open to all boys and girls attending St. Vincent’s school, all public schools and home school students in grades 6 through 8. Altar servers are scheduled for Saturday morning, 8:15 am, and all weekend Masses. In addition, altar servers may be asked to serve at funerals and weddings. They may also volunteer to be servers for summer 8:15 am Masses during the week. Training is required prior to serving.
Lead Servers: Lead Servers are young men in grade 8 or high school who are responsible for guiding the altar servers throughout the Mass. Training is required prior to serving.
This committee is responsible for the decorations in the interior and exterior of the church. Seasonal events bring the group together to plan and execute what is needed to visually inspire our worship of the Lord.
The Sunday Collection Counters are responsible for counting the Sunday collection. There are six counting teams that serve on a rotating basis.
Extraordinary Ministers assist at parish liturgies by distributing the Eucharist during Communion. An Extraordinary Minister should be a practicing Catholic, attending Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation. The person should have a love for the Lord and the Church, striving to grow in holiness. If married, Extraordinary Ministers must be married in the Catholic Church. A training session is required, including catechesis on the Eucharist, along with annual days of reflection that focus on the Eucharist and the life of prayer.
Dorothy Schuerman: [email protected], 489-3537 x 207
Lectors proclaim the word of God at Sunday Mass and other liturgies. A lector should be a practicing Catholic, attending Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation. hfhgfjhf The person should have a love for the Lord and the Church, striving to grow in holiness. If married, lectors must be married in the Catholic Church. An initial training is required, and all lectors attend an annual day of reflection.
Jessica Hayes: [email protected], 260-489-3537 x224
Assist the priest in preparing for weekend Masses. A sacristan should be a practicing Catholic, attending Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation. The person should have a love for the Lord and the Church, striving to grow in holiness. If married, sacristans must be married in the Catholic Church. An initial training is required as well as annual days of reflection.
Persons in the Funeral Ministry serve as sacristans for the Funeral Mass. This is of great help to the priest as he prepares for the funeral liturgy.
Jessica Hayes: [email protected], 260-489-3537 x224
Ushers are important members of the hospitality team of the parish. Ushers assist with seating people and help take the offertory collection at the Sunday and Holy Day liturgies. They are also available to greet and assist people before, during, and after Mass. Men and women of the parish are invited to consider this wonderful ministry, especially if you have the charisms of hospitality, helps, encouragement or service. Training will be provided.
Reaching out with the Love of Jesus to our fellow Mass attendees is a great act of hospitality and encouragement, especially to those who may not be sure about coming to Mass or who need a smile and “hello” to welcome them as they enter Church. This is an ideal ministry for families or for new members of the parish to get involved and meet others attending Mass. This ministry is open to all!
Volunteers share in the responsibility of making certain that candles are available for parishioners’ use at both the Blessed Mother and the Sacred Heart alcoves in the Church. Envelopes should be taken to the Parish Office.