The custom of bringing food to church to be blessed for Easter breakfast is an age-old tradition in many European countries and practiced in our country by their descendants. The religious significance attached to the foods eaten is symbolic of Christ Himself, our true Passover. This custom stems from the desire of the Christian community to ask for God’s blessing on the foods that will break the Great Fast (Lent). The food is blessed on Holy Saturday to be eaten after the Saturday Vigil or Easter Sunday morning.
We bring a “taste” of each food for all at the table. Note that if you have abstained from these foods during Lent and especially Holy Week, they will taste even better on Easter Sunday!
EASTER BREAD – symbolic of Christ Himself who is our true Bread. HAM – symbolic of the great joy and abundance of Easter SAUSAGE or KIELBASA – symbolic of God’s favor and generosity BACON – symbolic of the over abundance of God’s mercy to us EGGS – symbolic of new life and resurrection, HORSERADISH – symbolic of the Passion of Christ still in our minds, but sweetened with some sugar because of the Resurrection. BUTTER – reminds us of the goodness of Christ that we should have toward all things. SALT – a condiment necessary for flavor reminding the Christian of his/her duty to others CHEESE – symbolic of the moderation that Christians should have in all things. RELIGIOUSLY DECORATED CANDLE –Christ is our Light!
We invite you to join us in sharing this meaningful tradition!